the working dependency currently apparently is this forked library
implementation 'com.github.stack07142:DiscreteSeekBar:1.0.1'
Here’s a detailed explanation of using this forked library
The provided dependency refers to a forked version of the original DiscreteSeekBar library hosted on a GitHub repository by a user (stack07142
). A forked library is a copy of the original repository, modified or maintained separately, often to fix bugs, add new features, or maintain compatibility with updated tools.

What is Happening?
Forked Repository:
- The original DiscreteSeekBar library is no longer maintained, so the user stack07142 created a fork to address issues or provide updates.
- The fork has been updated to version
, which may include fixes or compatibility improvements.
Integration via JitPack:
- JitPack is a service that allows GitHub-hosted libraries to be built and distributed as Maven/Gradle dependencies.
- The forked library is hosted on GitHub and distributed through JitPack.
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